What is Early Engagement?

Public sector business can be extremely competitive, with taking part in the tendering process often being the only way to get a seat at the table. However, public procurement can also be incredibly complex and, without a full understanding of the rules and regulations, it can seem difficult to be able to enter the competition to win public sector business.

One way to get ahead of competitors is through early engagement – talking to buyers ahead of the official procurement process, during the scoping and preparation phase.

By making contact with public sector buyers earlier, you stand to position yourself as an influencer and thought leader, instead of just another commercial supplier.

Remember, procurement officers and those writing the requirements are often not experts in the goods, works and services they require. Proactive conversations can support their understanding and change the direction and ultimate requirements of the specification itself – something that could work in your favour if you’ve helped to shape it.

Read on to find out more about early engagement processes.

What are the advantages of early engagement?

  • Build relationships with decision-makers and influencers in the buying organisation
  • Discover areas where your own solution could make a real impact and add value
  • Shape the buying organisation request by using your own industry experience and knowledge
  • Play an active role in any market research or testing discussions with industry
  • Increase the chances of being shortlisted
  • Become seen as a strategic partner rather than a commercial supplier

How can you engage earlier with public sector buyers?

There are a number of different ways to engage with public sector buyers in a more proactive way. Like most sales and marketing strategies, it can include direct public sector marketing through B2G email marketing, display advertising, and webinars. You may also consider attending ‘Meet the Buyer’ days and tradeshow events such as the Procurex and P4H events that take place up and down the country.

One of the many challenges in deploying such tactics is knowing who to speak to and building out your contacts to support driving conversations.

How can Cadence help?

By leveraging Cadence’s B2B and B2G marketing contact databases coupled with our range of managed digital marketing solutions, you can begin conversations with key public sector decision makers earlier. We’ll help you pull together engaging content to build credibility and authority within your customer base, and can help you start to position your brand as an industry expert. Above all, we put you in touch with the right people – meaning more effective campaigns and a competitive edge over suppliers who aren’t having the same conversations.

Get in touch with our expert team to learn more about how we can help you to engage earlier.

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