Three ways to achieve a successful B2G marketing campaign

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 the UK saw a notable increase in business-to-government (B2G) sales. Government spending represented an astonishing 35% of the UK’s GDP throughout 2020 and the importance of selling B2G has continued into 2022.

But if you want to increase your B2G sales, you need to focus on B2G marketing campaigns.

Everyone has a different idea of what a B2G campaign entails. Some think of working towards creating specific funding bids, while others think of being outsourced by the government directly.

We’ve written this post to clear the air on what B2G marketing usually entails, and how you can succeed right now.

What is B2G Marketing? 

B2G marketing has a lot of similarities with B2B and B2C marketing practices, but it also has significant differences.

The key change between it and these other two more common sales strategies is the fact that B2G marketing targets the government directly. This is a marketing and sales strategy where you provide services directly to your national government.

It can also mean selling to other aspects of the public sector, like local councils.

At its core, B2G marketing is about understanding what the government wants and needs. Then, it’s about aligning your product or service as the solution to their problem.

In a post-pandemic Britain, B2G marketing is becoming more important than ever before.

But the government is its own distinct customer type with specific needs, wants, and budgets. This is why B2G demands its own form of marketing strategy so that companies can market their business to government bodies successfully.

Now that you know what B2G marketing is, how is it successfully achieved in 2022?

Turn the Difference with B2G Marketing into a Benefit by Creating Targeted Content

B2G marketing is unique because the government represents a huge, complex system with different branches and levels of authority.

It’s rare that you’ll just be selling any service or product to “the government”. Instead, you should be working with a specific council or government body.

There are central government departments (like the Home Office), executive agencies (like the Environment Agency), and non-departmental public bodies (like the NHS). We split B2G into 5 main areas specifically:

  • Central government.
  • Local government.
  • Healthcare.
  • Education.
  • Civil Society (Third Sector)

Each one of these has its own segments, agenda, decision-making process, and budget.

A good example of this would be companies that help the government with visa processing. These entities work directly with the UK Home Office.

Meanwhile, during COVID-19, PPE suppliers needed to work directly with the NHS and healthcare bodies.

The first aspect of a strong B2G marketing campaign is understanding your audience.

Once you know how your target works, you can tailor your marketing campaign to meet their needs.

B2G Marketing Strategies Involve Leveraging Data

As with any successful marketing strategy in 2022, data is king.

B2G marketing is all about having the right contacts and understanding the right opportunities. This is why it’s vital to work with a partner or data provider who understands B2G marketing in detail.

The more data you have available to you, the easier it is to narrow down opportunities that work for your company.

Data can help you better understand B2G in relation to IT engagement.

Or, it can show you the various funding opportunities available in your particular area from public bodies right now. If you manage a business today, chances are there’s some public money available that you may not have even heard about.

Data can help educate you and prepare you for applications.

At Cadence Marketing, we possess the largest and most powerful public sector marketing database in the UK. If you’re serious about successful B2G marketing, check out our offering.

Thought Leadership Marketing Strategies that Impact B2G Marketing

B2G marketing demands its own specificity, as we’ve noted above. But it also involves successfully handling your general marketing practices.

This includes things like boosting your company’s current SEO standing. Or, it includes having a sophisticated, regularly updated website.

This is because the government looks to work with companies with a strong reputation.

To better your chances of successful contracts, you need to improve your standing in your sector as much as possible. The best way of doing this is to focus the production of thought leadership style content.

A great way to evidence your company’s thought leadership is through a strong content marketing strategy. This can also include holding webinars on certain problems or solutions.

These approaches are knowledge-led marketing practices. They hinge on the ability of your business and your team to be experts in your field.

By evidencing this, you’ll build your reputation and in turn positively impact your B2G marketing opportunities.

With B2G, Don’t Forget About Sustainability

Finally, B2G marketing is about catering to current government needs and demands. That means making sure your company has reliable sustainability targets.

Sustainability is a huge issue for the UK government in 2022. They are under pressure to meet environmental targets and reduce their carbon footprint.

This means that sustainable products and services will be in high demand from the government in the coming years. If you can position your product or service as sustainable, you will be in a good position to win B2G contracts.

What’s particularly notable is that sustainability is important for all current forms of government. Whether you’re catering to healthcare or education, you need to be sustainable.

Where Can I Find Out More About Successful B2G Marketing Strategies?

You should now know what B2G marketing is and what sets it apart from both B2B and B2C.

You should also know that both data and sustainability are crucial. So too is knowing the particular audience your company is targeting. If you can keep these things above tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to achieving a successful B2G marketing campaign.

But, it’s only possible with the right kind of support. To find out more about how Cadence Marketing can help you with B2G marketing, make sure to contact our experienced team directly.

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