


Virgin Media Business is one of the most widely recognised digital media brands working in the UK. With offices across the country, offering services to literally millions of homes and businesses, Virgin Media continues to grow as a provider of IT infrastructure.


Already a provider of technology services to 75% of the UK’s police forces, Virgin Media Business sought a deeper understanding of how forces across the UK were responding to ‘Policing Vision 2025’, a nationwide strategic plan involving transformation across the policing sector as a whole. Looking to gain in-depth knowledge of how police forces were reacting particularly to questions of digital transformation and innovation in relation to the Vision, Virgin Media needed a way of asking the right questions of the right decision-makers at police forces throughout the country.


Working with Virgin Media Business, we designed a highly-targeted suite of survey questions allowing for greater insight into forces’ digital strategy and IT security, as well as their overall strategic priorities. The survey was delivered via a targeted email campaign using our proprietary email tool, iServe. Working with the continually updated, granular data in our Ingenium database allowed for the survey to be sent to appropriate contacts working in a range of job roles across the policing sector. The aim was to conduct focused research that translated into a profound understanding of the sector’s priorities, methods and strategies. Therefore, rather than being distributed to as wide an audience as possible, the survey was sent only to a select, precise audience who were best suited to the aims of the survey. This was made possible thanks to the accuracy of our data, the levels of deliverability promised by iServe, and the use of our neutral brand iGov Survey, a recognised and trusted name in Public Sector insight.


The results hugely exceeded the client’s expectations, showing the benefits of our focus on a specific, highly-researched, smaller audience. The survey received responses from organisations representing 24% of the entire UK policing sector, and was fully completed by key contacts at 18 different police organisations – three quarters of all organisations contacted. In addition to the phenomenally high proportion of responses, a key findings report was produced by iGov Survey. The report became the basis of a roundtable event, as the volume of survey respondents means the report constitutes an invaluable source of sector-wide intelligence. Involving senior officers and managers from across UK policing in collaboration with Virgin Media, the roundtable discussed the implications of the survey findings for the Policing Vision 2025, allowing iGov’s research to feed back into policy. In turn, the report and roundtable served as the springboard for an eight-page feature in the New Statesman, including comment from Nick Hurd, the Minister of State for Police and Fire Services. The continued discussion around the results generated by the iGov survey demonstrates both the level of insight that can be generated through our unique data communities and the value of our approach to market engagement.

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Important Information: This service will be temporarily unavailable on Saturday 20th May between 12-4pm as we perform scheduled maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.