Successful B2G Marketing Team

B2G Marketing: From good to great in 3 simple steps

Don’t know what B2G Marketing is? Check out our blog: B2G Marketing: What you need to know

The UK economy is on the road to recovery. Now’s the perfect time to re-engage with the public sector.

The opportunity is clear: £290Bn has been earmarked for public procurement in 2021/22. But whether you’re an experienced supplier or an emerging SME, B2G marketing is a tricky proposition. How do you differentiate your business, build brand awareness and generate actionable leads in one of the UK’s most diverse (and competitive) marketplaces?

In response, Cadence Marketing has identified three simple steps to take your next B2G marketing campaign from good to great, beginning with:

1. Influence the influencers

B2G success relies on the strength of your relationships – with decision makers and the influencers they engage with. But in order to forge closer ties, you’ll first need to pinpoint your audience and identify their pinch points (learn how Cadence’s B2G Market Research can help with this). That way, you can target them with relevant content that speaks to their specific needs.

Influencers are increasingly important. By targeting the internal/external factors decision makers engage with, you’ll have another inroad to public sector success.

Market research is a great way of gaining this kind of insight. Who better to share the public sector perspective than the professionals themselves? Their insights could form the basis of bespoke marketing material, giving you an opportunity to establish your business as a thought leader.

2. Consider your content

As the old adage goes, ‘content is king’ – and this is especially true in the B2G marketplace. We’ve already stressed the need for relevant content in our blog on B2G lead generation hacks, but in order to be successful your campaigns must leverage a variety of different assets. In practice, this means reaching out with unique content to refine prospects into actionable leads. But what kind of content resonates best? Firstly, steer clear of anything overtly commercial. B2G decision makers aren’t looking for a sales pitch. Instead, Cadence recommends taking an informative, thought leadership approach – one which demonstrates your capabilities in a slightly more subtle way. This could be an infographic, a B2G case study or a webinar responding to a topical public sector issue. By thinking creatively and engaging in a multitude of ways, you’ll be sure to garner greater interest.

3. Move to the metrics

Where B2G campaigns are concerned, success is not guaranteed. That’s what makes metrics so important. In order to gauge how a campaign is performing, you need to follow the data. If there is a drop-off in engagement, the metrics will always point you in the right direction.

Often, the changes are self-explanatory. If open rates are low, reconsider your subject line or from name. If click through rates are poor, revisit your call to action. If your gated landing page is seeing few conversions, reduce the number of required fields or frame the content more creatively.

You need to follow your audience through the entire user journey, and respond to the metrics if engagement is lower than expected. Doing so can transform a flailing campaign into an overnight success.

Find out how Cadence can support your next B2G marketing campaign by booking a meeting with our public sector specialists, reaching out on 0161 713 0050 or emailing

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Doesn’t Have
To Be Complicated

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